How great MMM is
What is MMM?
MMM is a community of people providing each other financial help on the principle of gratuitousness, reciprocity and benevolence. We use BITCOIN infrastructure in our transactions.
In MMM you don’t have to make contracts or pledge your property. In MMM there are no lenders and no debtors. Everything is very simple: one participant asks for help — another one helps.
The only thing that MMM demands from its participants is to be honest and kind to each other. You ask for financial help when you need it, you give financial help when you are able to do it.
In their transactions MMM participants operate with BITCOINS. It is the best possible way to organize smooth transfers between participants from different countries. Like BITCOIN causes revolution in financial relations, so MMM causes revolution in social relations between people. This combination of MMM and BITCOIN ideas of fair and free financial system makes possible for us to establish significant changes in modern world.
What is MMM?
MMM is a community of people providing each other financial help on the principle of gratuitousness, reciprocity and benevolence. We use BITCOIN infrastructure in our transactions.
In MMM you don’t have to make contracts or pledge your property. In MMM there are no lenders and no debtors. Everything is very simple: one participant asks for help — another one helps.
The only thing that MMM demands from its participants is to be honest and kind to each other. You ask for financial help when you need it, you give financial help when you are able to do it.
In their transactions MMM participants operate with BITCOINS. It is the best possible way to organize smooth transfers between participants from different countries. Like BITCOIN causes revolution in financial relations, so MMM causes revolution in social relations between people. This combination of MMM and BITCOIN ideas of fair and free financial system makes possible for us to establish significant changes in modern world.
how much you provided help, how much you got help:
other System has Provide Help (PH) and Get Help(GH).Provide Help minimum $10
Participants uses their spare money to provide help (PH) to each other.The mechanics is simple, You ask for financial help when you need it (GH), When you need financial help(PH).MMM uses a digital currency called Bitcoins and Mavro in our Personal Office (PO).When you declare Provide Help on your PO’s mavro amount will start to grow from the moment of deposit. The growth rate is 20%-100% per month.Order of PH Come to you on your PO. You have 36 hrs to complete transfer your money. When you completed transfer Provide Help (PH). You can create order Get Help(GH) amount you receive your mavro confirmed.
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